On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 05:01:53PM +0200, Björn Persson wrote:
> Matthew Miller wrote:
> > There _are_ email notifications, 
> You keep talking about "notifications". I don't want a notification
> saying "somebody said something; run our Javascript program to find out
> what it was". I want the actual message delivered to my mailbox.
> But some people in this thread talk as if it's possible to get the
> actual messages by email. I even see some hints that a proper tree view
> might be possible. But many others say the email features of Discourse
> are no good. The overall picture is unclear and far from convincing.

Yes, you absolutely can interact with discourse via email (mostly).
You will need to go to the website to setup things initially, but after
that you should not need to.

> > and you can interact by replying to them.
> You let the quarrel go this far before you even bothered to mention
> that? You're clearly not serious about selling the email features of
> Discourse.
> You're trying to convince email users that your preferred communication
> program is better than their preferred communication program. Users of
> various email programs are saying no, the program I have chosen works
> better for my needs. Do you also waste time trying to convince Emacs
> users to switch to Vi?
> Instead of trying to make everybody use the same Javascript program,
> what you should do is show how your preferred program implements the
> relevant standards to be interoperable with my preferred program, so
> that we can communicate while each using our respective programs. If
> it's not interoperable, then that's where the problem is.
> So how complete is Discourse's email functionality actually? Can it be
> used as a mailing list server, or not?

It can send you emails for the things you tell it you want emails and
you can sort and read and reply to them as you like.

> > Do take a look at
> > 
> > https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/guide-to-interacting-with-this-site-by-email/25960
> Okay okay fine! I'll start up a browser in which the Javascript program
> even works and go read in the Javascript program about how I might not
> have to use the Javascript program.
> So it says a "tag" is supposed to be sort of like a mailing list, but
> there's only a single global email address for starting new threads.

Yes, as noted, this is currently the setup for new threads/discussions
due to spam. Possibly some better way can be implemented.

> There's no way to send to a specific tag. Thus it's impossible to post
> to a specific mailing-list-equivalent. How am I supposed to ensure that
> my messages reach the appropriate audience?

Thats the weakest part of the setup for discourse by email right now I
think. You can easily reply to existing posts just fine. It's just new
threads/discussions that you need to either post from the web interface
or send into the one address and have some moderator tag it and approve
> Maybe by replying? It's rather unclear how replies by email are handled,
> but I can guess that they're given the same tag as the message they
> reply to. If that's the case, then it almost seems like they *want*
> people to reply to an irrelevant thread instead of posting a new thread.
> I suppose a more likely explanation is that the email notifications are
> meant to draw users back to the Javascript program.

You can reply to any email you get. It appears to use a reply-to thats a
hash so it knows who you are and what post/discussion you are replying
to so it can process your reply. 

> Either way, according to that post the answer is no, Discourse is not
> usable as a list server. Those who want to replace Mailman with
> Discourse should work on improving its email capabilities until it can
> be used as a list server.

Things can always be improved by "used as a list server" is not a spec
of concrete proposal for functionality. 

Anyhow, I invite you to give it a try. I am using the email gateway here
and for the most part it works fine. 

There's a bug I did hit where some of the categories seem to put \n in
List-Id: headers, which is anoying to manage, but aside from that, all
the emails come in, I can reply. We could probibly come up with some
better way to start new topics/discussions, but in the mean time either
the web interface or just sending an email and adding a 'please tag this
as #foo' should work I would think.


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