Yep! I (We) spend a lot of unpaid time to provide EL bug reports, helping the 
devs to test their fixes, until it gets into the next EL minor release. 
Especially when a new major EL release is GA, it has a lot of bugs that I 
normally do report (doing it since EL5 personally). This is sometimes only 
possible when having the source code to test some patches before adding them to 
the report. Despite the argument that the srpms are available in the portal 
area, I wonder if the mentioned decision had included this "tacit" input that 
is coming from the "community". Not having such input in combination with a 
reduced community will for sure have a negative impact. I'm already reading 
statements from Fedora maintainers of their EPEL backtracks and I can imagine 
that the same is happening for less visible contributions ... 
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