On 31/01/2024 10:08, Milan Crha wrote:

I tried to investigate a rawhide bug:
which is about Evolution being killed "by something". That's the thing,
I do not know what killed it, thus even why it had been killed. It's
even not killed after certain steps, it's killed "randomly", on various

I did search the internet, but they usually expect the killer is the
OOM service, which logs about the action either in the dmesg or in the
journal, but in this case there is no sign about whom killed it in
either of these logs.

The evolution terminal just says:


At the end of of the day it means a SIGKILL was sent to the process
and that's not something that is logged anywhere as a matter of course
so you're reliant on whatever sends it saying so.

You're right that OOM is the usual cause so if you've ruled that out
you need to think about other things.

The problem is that SIGKILL is deliberately a very hard stop that
nothing can trap so normal things like using strace or gdb to catch
who went it aren't going to work.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)
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