Michel Lind wrote:
> - KDE SIG wants to obsolete X11 packages on upgrade just once
>   - Apart from the impact of that, this is actually standard packaging
>   practice when subpackages are no longer offered otherwise the upgrade
>   will break
> - If the obsolete indicates the NEVRA of the -x11 subpackage being
>   obsoleted, instead of floating to the current NEVRA, you can actually
>   re-provide the missing package without having to bump epoch

That does not work if the package in F39 gets upgraded later.

That said, since F39 is going to stick to Plasma 5 and F40 is going to ship 
only Plasma 6, something like Obsoletes: kwin-x11 < 5.90 in kwin-wayland 
might work.

That said, I actually have a plan how to let users opt out of the Obsoletes 
before upgrading to F40, and that plan also depends on the Epoch: I want to 
create a Copr for F39 providing kwin-x11 5.x and plasma-workspace-x11 5.x 
packages with Epoch 1. Then the opt-in would be:
1. dnf copr enable kkofler/keep-plasma-x11-on-f40-upgrade
2. dnf upgrade
3. dnf copr disable kkofler/keep-plasma-x11-on-f40-upgrade
4. upgrade to F40 using any of the supported or unsupported methods (but DO 
NOT distro-sync F39 before upgrading – if you want to do that, do it in step 
2 with the temporary Copr enabled).

        Kevin Kofler
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