On Thu, Feb 8, 2024 at 12:33 PM Sérgio Basto <ser...@serjux.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2024-02-07 at 16:03 +0100, Marc Deop i Argemí wrote:
> > We are not banning nor deleting anything. We are not _supporting_ it.
> you are removing X11 from the builds deliberately , when
> many people , members of Fedora on devel mailing list, express that
> they want have X11 , in fact we have many people that defend keep X11 .

One thing that seems to be overlooked in many of the posts on this thread:

Nobody can *force* the KDE Plasma maintainers to do *anything*, just
like nobody can force *any* packager to do anything. Fedora a
volunteer-run project. We're mostly doing this "for fun" (or at least,
some definition of "fun"). So if the KDE Plasma maintainers / the KDE
SIG decides that they do not want to keep supporting the Plasma / X11
session, that is their choice. However, I am not sure whether I like
it or not that there's an ongoing effort to add this functionality
back with separate packages.

For me, the only acceptable way to do this would be in a way that does
in no way make maintaining the Plasma / Wayland packages more
difficult or burdensome, since the original intent of dropping the
Plasma / X11 session was to *lower* the maintenance burden. Adding
back the Plasma / X11 session with separate packages might cause
additional overhead for the KDE SIG (for example, needing to update
kwin-x11 whenever there is a kwin update). That would be the "usual"
way to handle this according to Fedora policies.

However, that would be counter to the original purpose of dropping the
functionality from the packages maintained by the KDE SIG. But again,
nobody can *force* package maintainers to support something they don't
want to support. So in this case, I think it would be good to have
something like a clarification to the Updates Policy (and / or other
policies, as necessary) for this case to resolve the contradiction -
something like "updates for KDE Plasma packages are not required to be
coordinated with packages for the Plasma / X11 session".

I'm also unsure how handling bug reports would best work in this
situation. People *will* report bugs against the wrong components,
causing additional work for the KDE SIG. (Hell, I'm getting bug
reports filed against elementary / Pantheon packages, and there's not
even a usable Pantheon session in Fedora yet!)

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