Hello everyone! My name is Jonathon Hyde, and I want to become a packager for 
Fedora. I'm excited to contribute back something to a project that I have been 
using for so long. I haven't made my first package submission yet, but I wanted 
kloak to be among the first packages I submit. I had a question first though, 
what is the tolerance for buggy/beta software in Fedora? The project has a 
couple of notable open issues on Github, mainly 
https://github.com/vmonaco/kloak/issues/12 and 
https://github.com/vmonaco/kloak/issues/72. I have already successfully built 
with mock and weeded out the issues that showed up in rpmlint, I'm just not 
sure what state upstream needs to be in before a package submission can be 
accepted in Fedora. I had quite a few submissions I wanted to make and 
maintain, so a generalized answer/explanation is preferred, because I can't 
find any documentation to answer this particular question.

I look forward to learning and contributing back what little I can offer to the 
Fedora community.
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