On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 01:54:30PM +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> So, this is what is implemented for F15 now. For F16 we will make a
> minor change on top of this: /var/run and /var/lock will become symlinks
> to /run (resp /run/lock), so that we don't have to use bind mounts
> anymore which are not the most beautiful thing to use by default, and
> confusing to the admin. Due to the implications of symlinks and RPM we
> didn't want to make that change in F15.
> The actual code changes we needed to implement this scheme were trivial
> (basically, just bind mount /var/run and /var/lock instead of mounting two
> new tmpfs' to them.), which is why we opted to do this so late in the F15
> cycle. However, the political implications are much bigger I guess, so
> let's see what a fantastic flamewar we can start with this on
> fedora-devel now. Flame away!

I would like to first say that I think this is a great idea and a solid
solution to the problem at hand. I would like, however, to bring up a
point of approach. This appears to be a rather heavy handed technical
problem that has been solved, decided upon, and declared to be "how it
is and how it will be for Fedora 15." I am perfectly fine with this from
the point of the solution because I agree with the sentiments expressed.

Now, I have to ask: "Was FESCo involved in this decision?" and if so,
where is the Trac ticket, or mention in the meeting minutes?

Again, I'm not against that this is being done, but I would like to see
everyone equally follow suit on the way things are traditionally done
in Fedora land.

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