Hola Fedora developers,  My name is Ryan! Currently i'm a PhD student in
computer science theory at dartmouth college. I'm a campus ambassador at
dartmouth college. My research interests are in computational & applied
topology for a brief introduction to field:

I try to contribute to the community as a campus ambassador. I regularly
give away install/live media buttons and stickers to just about everyone,
and I use them as prizes when I TA computer science classes (which works
really well for getting us dartmouth undergrads to contribute).

I've just joined this list, and I'm learning now about how to write RPM spec
files, with my ultimate goal of maintaining a few packages.  I recently got
my koji browser certs, and I've been reading the guidelines.

I move pretty slowly on my own, if anyone nearby me is interested in helping
me advance my packaging 'foo' as they say, i'd be open to the assistance!

devel mailing list

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