On 06/13/2011 09:27 AM, Ryan Lewis wrote:
> Hey Rahul,
> I few things are in the works:
> I am packing this program sketch, as a first taste of learning RPM's
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=711547
> I'm not sure why I haven't heard back from the reviewers after these
> few days have gone by, maybe I will hear this week?

Not a full review but a cursory look shows you need to do atleast the

You haven't fixed the issues noted in comment 3.  You need not specify
the build dependencies if they are part of the default build root. 


You don't need to define a buildroot


No need to specify a clean section.  Yours is incorrect and empty


You haven't written a changelog.  Make sure you run rpmlint on the spec
file, srpm and binary rpm

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