On Sat, 2011-07-30 at 17:49 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:

> What's unique about the method described there is that the Mac
> configures the interface with the same IP address it previously had if
> the lease is still valid, while NetworkManager waits for the DHCP server
> confirm the lease.  So we could presumptuously configure the interface
> with the previous address from the lease and then only tear it down if
> the DHCP server fails or rejects the renewal.
> Of course, none of this helps if your DHCP leases are short, but it
> certainly helps if you put your laptop to sleep a lot and wake it up in
> the same location.

...which I do, all the time, and it certainly is a bit annoying waiting
the ~10-15 secs it takes for things to kick in. There seems to be
something of a delay before gnome-power-manager totally wakes up,
realizes it's now on battery power (if I disconnected since suspending),
and right around that time is when NM actually starts re-connecting to
the network. It seems like there's <SOMETHING> which has to happen after
wake before NM even attempts to re-establish a connection, and that's
the longest delay, at least for me. Anyone know what that something is,
and whether it can be optimized?

(This improvement would also help, of course. It would be *great* if I
could wake up my laptop and have it back on the network and functional
within a second or so).
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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