Am 24.08.2011 20:40, schrieb Adam Williamson:
> On Wed, 2011-08-24 at 19:59 +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
>> On Wed, 24.08.11 10:05, Adam Williamson ( wrote:
>>>> FWIW, I do think that there may be use-cases for socket activation of a
>>>> database.  I'd like to support the option ... the problem is to do so
>>>> without breaking existing, expected behaviors.
>>> It was noted up-thread that systemd can tell you whether the underlying
>>> daemon is running or not, though I guess that doesn't tell you whether
>>> it's entirely in a functional state. You could do a two-stage thing:
>>> check with systemd whether the daemon is running, and ping it if so?
>> systemd will put services only in "running" state if they are fully up
>> and told systemd so. They'll be in "starting" until that time. All we
>> need for this is that services either use Type=forking and double
>> fork+exit in parent, or use Type=notify and sd_notify("READY=1") as soon
>> as they are fully up.
> Sure, but it would be possibly for mysql to be 'fully up' under
> systemd's definition (i.e. the mysqld process has successfully executed
> and is running happily) while not actually being properly configured to
> serve external requests, right? Bad mysql config, firewall in the way,
> whatever...point is that systemd can't really know for sure that the
> underlying process is 100% working, only that it's _running_

and that is why you need only socket-activation for the unix-socket
to provide relieable system-boot with activation and you nagios will
check over TCP and so has NOTHING really NOTHING to do with systemd

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