On Tue, 04.10.11 17:54, Adam Jackson (a...@redhat.com) wrote:

> On Tue, 2011-10-04 at 23:45 +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> > Another bigger source of slowness at boot is currently Plymouth which
> > also requires synchronous settling of devices (tough it's not as bad as
> > LVM in that regard though, but costs too since EDID probing is
> > apparently quite slow, and has every right to, but right now we delay
> > the boot processes for that but we shoudl really do that in the
> > background).
> It's much slower than it needs to be.  As of last time I looked there's
> still cases where a) we're using full EDID fetch as a proxy for
> connected-or-not, instead of just a zero-length I2C read, and b) we're
> not prefetching and caching EDID on hotplug interrupts, instead fetching
> it every time it's asked for.
> Even given all that, we should try the faster I2C speeds first and fall
> back to slower.  And we're not.
> Might or might not be able to fix all that up for F16 gold, but it's on
> the todo list somewhere.

Well, tbh I am not too concerned about the initialization speed of
specific drivers like the DRI stuff. What matters more is that we can
initialize them in parallel with other stuff, and don't have to
synchronously stall the entire boot for it, which Plymouth currently
makes us to for the DRI drivers.

Or in other words: I believe the priority should be to fix Plymouth.
Fixing the EDID stuff matters only if we manage to pull gdm so early
into the boot that EDID would become a stumbling block since gdm/X11
actually really needs the EDID stuff to be fully probed.


Lennart Poettering - Red Hat, Inc.
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