On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 11:19 PM, Kevin Fenzi <ke...@scrye.com> wrote:

> I would personally advise against this way forward. I'd like to suggest
> an alternative:
> * Gather folks interested in this (you should be able to see some from
>  this thread). Perhaps announce that you are forming a group to look
>  into this.
> * Get together and write up a wiki page / detailed proposal, answering:
> - How would this work?
> - What resources would you need?
> - What impact does it have on maintainers? users? release engineering?
> - Would this work alongside the current setup? Or would it be one or
>  the other?
> - Try and answer questions raised by folks in this thread.
> - Try and list advantages. Why would we want to do this? what does it
>  get us?
> * Post again once you have details and ask for more feedback.
> * Repeat cycle until you find it's ready and then ask fesco to take a
>  look.
> Just a suggestion...
> +1

Good idea!

Elder Marco

GNU/Linux User: #471180

"Contra o positivismo, que pára perante os fenômenos e diz: 'Há apenas
fatos', eu digo: 'Ao contrário, fatos é o que não há; há apenas
interpretações'. "(Nietzsche)
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