On Thu, 09 Feb 2012 01:49:13 +0100
Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net> wrote:

> to say it in other words:
> the overall release-quality of fedora was MUCH better as long
> Redhat controlled it and before everybody could propose hughe
> changes in all sorts of subsystems as long he finds some
> peopole agree and not enough disagreing loud enough

srpms by release: 

Fedora Core 6: 1154
Fedora 17: 25927

Thats a LOT smaller set of software. ;) 
Of course there's a lot more people working on things... 

> hopefully if /usrmove is done and the systemd-transition is
> really finished fedora will come back to the quality of
> the days where i started to love this distribution

Help test, file bugs. 

Personally, I think f16 was a very stable boring release. 
There were rough spots, but there always are. 


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