Am 08.02.2012 22:56, schrieb Adam Williamson:
> On Wed, 2012-02-08 at 12:49 -0900, Jef Spaleta wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 12:46 PM, Adam Williamson <> wrote:
>>> "The objectives of the Alpha release are to:
>>>    Publicly release installable media versions of a feature complete
>>> test release
>>>    Test accepted features of Fedora 17
>>>    Identify as many F17Beta blocker bugs as possible
>>>    Identify as many F17Blocker blocker bugs as possible"
>> And in this scope. Inability to upgrade would be such a Beta blocker, 
>> methinks.
> Sure. But the above doesn't mean that beta and final blockers should be
> *fixed* in Alpha (obviously not). The point is that the Alpha exists *in
> order to be used for the discovery of bugs that will block Beta and
> Final*. i.e., we need an Alpha release to test upgrading, find out that
> it's broken, and file a bug that blocks the Beta release. :)

why in the world do you need this if you STILL KNOW that something
is exremely broken? this is useless - block ALPHA if you are
aware of horrible broken things instead wasting peoples time
with saying "we have a new alpha lpease test it"

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