On Wed, 2012-04-25 at 22:43 +0000, "Jóhann B. Guðmundsson" wrote:
> Why not just drop the sponsorship process and just raise the barrier of 
> entry for the packaging process instead?
> Like having to have been a comaintainer for atleast one release cycle 
> then completed x many reviews in the next etc. ( essentally what you 
> propose there just without the "sponsor" ) and finally you are 
> maintaining your own package or if we drop that outdated ownership model 
> we have in place are free to roam "free" in the packaging community and 
> assist when ever, where ever possible...

This approach completely disregards the very common example of "I'm an
upstream maintainer of a cool project. I want to package and maintain it
for Fedora." Under your approach, they'd first have to become involved
in other projects before being allowed to add their package. This is
unacceptable and would basically guarantee that no upstream would
willingly involve itself with Fedora.

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