Tom Callaway <> writes:
> 3) We'll adjust the guidelines like this:

> If your service is explicitly enabled by default in Fedora 16 or 17, and
> you wish to have a shared spec file, you will need to add a
> conditionalized call to the "%systemd_post_enable" macro, as follows:

> %post
> %if %{defined fc16} || %{defined fc17}
> %systemd_post_enable apache-httpd.service
> %else
> %systemd_post apache-httpd.service
> %endif

Surely F18 could define %systemd_post_enable as a synonym for
%systemd_post.  The entire point of this thread is to make things
simpler for packager maintainers, not load them down with cross-branch
differences.  (If I wanted to have a version-dependent %if in there,
I could have done that without any help from the macros.)

A larger point here is that I don't think it's an amazingly good idea to
be removing all trace of whether a package thinks it's supposed to be
enabled by default.  Having two separate macros is not a bad thing IMO,
even if they happen to have the same expansion today.

                        regards, tom lane
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