On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 11:42 AM, Adrian <vk4...@bigpond.com> wrote:
> This attitude is why people leave redhat for debian/ubuntu, get fltk right
> and the rest will follow.
> We have tested already.

Adrian, no disrespect intended— but I believe you are making a mistake
here.  It looks like package you're having trouble linking has
incorrect parameters and just happens to work on ubuntu due to leakly
pkgconf linker flags— it's not exposing its own direct dependencies
and the correct solution is to fix it, not fltk. While I'm possibly
mistaken due to some subtle detail of how the FLTK headers are setup I
think that is unlikely.

Everyone working on Fedora cares about doing the right thing— and
helping the packages Fedora packages do the right thing.  The tone
you're taking is unnecessary insulting regardless of how correct you
are... but when that kind of tone is combined with being incorrect it
contributes to an environment where developers justifiability have low
regard for some user complaints.  Since people care about doing the
right thing the tone isn't required nor is it helpful.
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