On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 11:53 AM, Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> wrote:
> It's the other way around.  If libfoo 1.0.0 linked with -lbar and -lm,
> and then you upgraded to libfoo 1.0.1 which *no longer* links to -lm,
> now stuff that links to libfoo might fail if those things did not
> specifically request -lm themselves when they were built, and they need
> it.

Ah. I read your statement backwards.

I think we're in agreement. Everyone should (really, must) link their
own dependencies explicitly, and pkgconf style config lines should
generally only list the library itself to avoid creating a situation
where the caller fails to correctly identify its dependencies and
doesn't know it. But maybe fltk intentionally does something
inadvisable here.
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