Hi Reartes,

On 10/18/2013 05:57 PM, Reartes Guillermo wrote:
I tested F20 on a physical host with a vertex3 ssd.
But it was not a requested test case, i re-used a md raid0 with a 6gb
partition of the ssd.

The file-system was setup as a storage pool for virt-manager.

I did not experience any issues, i installed 2 F20 guest at the same time.
I even rebooted many times and it survived several kernel updates.
I did not test a power-loss scenario. I has been working ok since a
couple of days.

I also did the non lvm tests on guest, without any issue.
Thanks for your feedback, glad to hear it works well for you.
The only thing that i can recall as strange is the fact that bcache
seems to not to use discard/trim for some reason.
discard/trim can be enabled, see:

There's also an explanation in the document why it isn't enabled by default:
"|Defaults to off, since SATA TRIM is an unqueued command (and thus slow)."

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