On 09/05/2014 06:03 PM, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Fri, 05.09.14 11:52, Matthias Clasen (mcla...@redhat.com) wrote:
>> On Fri, 2014-09-05 at 15:55 +0200, Vratislav Podzimek wrote:
>>> On Fri, 2014-09-05 at 09:04 -0400, Bastien Nocera wrote:
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> Good news, everyone! We (me and CC'd Vojtech Trefny) would like to
>>>>> introduce you the next generation tool for storage management -- the
>>>>> **blivet-gui** tool [1]_. It is a GUI tool based on the blivet python
>>>>> library (originally Anaconda's storage management and configuration
>>>>> tool) inspired by GParted and other storage management tools. Why not
>>>>> use GParted you ask?
>>>> Actually my question is "why not gnome-disk-utility?" :)
>>> Because it doesn't work well with LVM, RAID, BTRFS and a combination of
>>> them.
>> Leaving LVM out was an explicit decision, because of all the system
>> integration problems with LVM. It works fine with RAID and btrfs as far
>> as I know. Do you have any concrete complaints about the RAID or btrfs
>> support in gnome-disk-utility ?
> Also, note that gnome-disk-utility actually properly separates out the
> unpriviliged UI from the priviliged backend in udisks.
> In this day-and-age we should not write new programs anymore that
> require the entire UI stack to run as root. We should really get away
> from doing something like that. In the blivet-ui docs "su" is the
> recommended way to invoke the program, and that's really wrong for a
> graphical one.
> gnome-disk-utility got that right. the new blivet ui did not. And this
> is not something you can add as an afterthought, you actually need to
> do your homework and split things up into privileged and
> non-priviliged parts from the beginning.
> The blivet-ui thing in this regard is certainly not an improvement over
> g-d-u, it's a step back.

system-config-lvm was removed from rhel7 while g-d-u is not able to
configure lvm. so it _definitely_ a step forward. and really not agree
with you about the root user usage. you imho those who would like to
configure disk and lvm should have to be root privileges and should have
to know what he does. it's again so lennartish when you belive a buggy
pulse is better then a working alsa if the concept is better. NO simple
it's not true. a usable working program always better the a perfectly
design idealism which never really works.

  Levente                               "Si vis pacem para bellum!"
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