Am 22.09.2014 um 18:35 schrieb Miloslav Trmač:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> For example if you want to see just error messages in the journal you
>> use "journalctl -p 3" or "journalctl  -b -p 3" if you want it only from
>> last boot ( add boot id if you want to from specific boot ) or you add
>> "journalctl  -b -p 3 -u httpd.service" if you want only the error
>> messages for the apache daemon so fourth or so on.
> Harald was saying that this is one of the things he wants to do but 
> can’t because both the messages he wants and doesn’t want to record 
> have the same priority.

no - the point is that i don't use "journalctl" for a ton of
reasons which are too off-topic and *many* people don't and
will not also in the future

it is a big mistake upstream to ignore anything but journalctl

the general issue is "For the journal you always keep all log history"
which is the wrong way to go - for sure most users and administrators
don't prefer have aynthing logged as default, at least not all the
time and the few which want it that way are one reason more to make
it configureable in a sane way in "journalctl.conf"

* ship it with whatever defaults
* add the directive to control it commented with the possible options
* you are done, everybody is happy because there is one switch to adjust needs

but log all to journal and then try to filter it away somewhere
is pervert and wasting of ressources which can be used in a
better way and if it is only the CPU going in power safe mode
because nothing to do the whole night

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