On 10/17/2014 12:11, Gerald B. Cox wrote:
I think you're setting up a false equivalency here. There is a difference between the requirements of say an XBOX or Playstation user and that of updating a Fedora system. If given the choice, most people will say "Yes, I have a high speed connection... turn it on, it's more better. They won't give it a second thought.

My point was to say Linux users are usually more tech savvy than XBox and Playstation users. If they say they have a high speed connection and they don't and that decision ends up costing them more money in ISP costs, then that's on them. Still, that's really not the crux of what I've been trying to say.

We should be looking for ways to improve the performance of Presto...not just throwing it over the wall and assume that the network will handle it.

I completely agree. My comments on this topic were meant solely to counter the notion that it must be completely abandoned, low bandwidth/high-cost bandwidth users be damned. I was merely trying to illustrate that there may be a way to make everyone happy.

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