Am 07.11.2015 um 18:30 schrieb Kevin Kofler:
Felix Miata wrote:
I have a computer without SSE3. It runs Fedora just fine. I initially had
1 GiB of RAM in it, I upgraded it to 3 GiB.

I have approximately 40 Fedora installations on 32 bit CPUs. About half of
those are on Prescotts. I'm unable to notice that those with more than 1G
RAM run any better than those with more RAM.

There are mainly 2 reasons I had to upgrade the RAM:
1. Akonadi / KMail 2.
2. "Modern" websites with massive abuse of inline images.
Both of those eat lots and lots of RAM

not to forget that we now have many cases where GTK2/GTK3/QT4/QT5 are loaded at the same time, with that memory not so long ago a whole graphical operating system including applications is working fine

below 1.5 GB RAM no way at all

frankly we recently upgraded our server-hardware and changed the clustermode to sandybridge, all seemed to work fine (except which is a very interesting bug)

there are tiny backup VM's with 1024 Mb RAM over years for each production machine running a mysqld-slave and hourly rsync of the userdata for later offsite-backups from there

day 1 1:16: one of them crashed and got restarted by VMware HA
day 2 1:16: one of them crashed and got restarted by VMware HA

well, the screenshot vmware makes from the VT showed page allocation errors and finally i realized that the once per day added --delay-updates rsync param on the new hardware for whatever reason triggered that errors

increased *any* virtual machine to at least 1.5 GB RAM - no problems for 2 months now

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