2016-01-14 18:05 GMT+01:00 Neal Gompa <ngomp...@gmail.com>:

> On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 11:01 AM, Reindl Harald <h.rei...@thelounge.net>
> wrote:
> >
> > Am 14.01.2016 um 16:56 schrieb Neal Gompa:
> >>
> >> I've recently been wondering why we haven't allowed kernel module
> >> packages in Fedora since Fedora 8. I've tried searching through our
> >> wiki and the mailing list, but I haven't come up with any concrete
> >> reasons for why we disallow them.
> >>
> >> If it is perhaps the issue of keeping things in sync with kernels we
> >> provide (that is, maintainers didn't/couldn't keep up with new kernels
> >> being pushed during a release cycle), then I think the situation has
> >> changed.
> >>
> >> We have two tools that can help us in this regard: akmod and Koschei,
> >> both came after our policy change to disallow kernel modules.
> >
> >
> > akmod is a dirty hack and fails often enough for rpmfusion stuff
> >
> > additionally you should *never* need GCC and devel packages installed on
> a
> > normal enduser system for a ton of reasons
> The most common reason that akmod fails is the same reason dkms often
> fails: the correct kernel-devel isn't installed. For whatever reason,
> there's no logic in DNF to handle this case properly. Of course, to be
> fair, this problem happens in Yum too, but since Yum isn't actively
> supported in Fedora anymore, it's not as much of a concern.

Maybe this particular concern can be addressed in DNF with a plugin ?

The way I've previously worded a possible solution is to have a yum/dnf
plugin for akmod.
This plugin will select the appropriate kernel-devel based on the kernel
that is currently installed.
( https://bugzilla.rpmfusion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3386 ).

But this dnf plugin can be useful by default in fedora, since the
kernel-devel issue can rise when one user install a particular development
group where kernel-devel is needed.
(user typically ends with kernel-debug-devel instead of the one for their
kernel variant that can also be kernel-lpae or else).

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