On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 2:24 AM, Tomáš Smetana <tsmet...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I tend to use systemd-nspawn containers for building rpms. So for example,
> I
> have a Fedora 24 system and use its dnf to create e.g. Centos 7 container
> root and then build Centos rpms from within that container.  If I
> understand
> the change correctly, this is going to break since the Centos 7 rpm-build
> will not be able to read the database created by the Fedora 24 dnf.

I personally prefer to build my containers by starting with the raw files
that are used to build the base CentOS and Fedora Docker containers:


The CentOS tarfile can be easily untarred into an empty directory.  The
Fedora tarball contains a layer.tar file that contains the raw filesystem.

I like doing it this way because I don't have to depend on the host yum/dnf
to set up the filesystem.  This would work too for non-rpm systems (or for
RHEL) as well but I haven't had the need so I haven't searched for the
appropriate media.

Jeff Ollie
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