On Mar 18, 2008, at 7:02 PM, Roland Dreier wrote:

Primary reasons for doing the switch are:

- distributed repositories are attractive/useful
- git/Mercurial branching and merging are *way* better than SVN
  --> note that SVN v1.5 is supposed to be *much* better than v1.4

Also, svn is much slower for lots of things, to the point where it
becomes a usability issue.  And supporting disconnected operation (aka
"working on a plane") is another really nice bonus.

This is a good point - I've [briefly] used both git and Mercurial; as part of their "*way* better support for branching and merging" is speed. A goodly-sized merge in SVN can take an hour or more. I've done goodly-sized merges in git and hg in seconds (or minutes).

- how to import all the SVN history to the new system

Should not be a big problem -- since svn at least has atomic
changesets, you avoid all the pain of parsing cvs repositories, and
there fairly mature svn importers for distributed systems.

Agreed -- I'm sure it *can* be done; we just have to spend a few cycles to figure out how to do it properly.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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