Cool -- thanks Roland!

For anyone who wants to play with the entire history of OMPI in git (as of last night or so -- this git repository is *not* being kept in sync with SVN), I cloned the tree that Roland created and put it here:

So you can:

    git clone

And then work with local git operations from there.

On Mar 20, 2008, at 8:53 PM, Roland Dreier wrote:
<> has some interesting
info about svn->git conversions (and svn vs. next-gen distibuted
systems in general).

Also, out of curiousity I tried doing

   git-svn clone --stdlayout

and it seemed to work fine (git-svn is part of the main git
distribution).  The only obvious thing missing is that you would
probably want to set up an author file for a real conversion, so that
you get real names instead of just "jsquyres".  It took a while to
run, mostly because it has to grab each svn changeset one by one.

The interesting thing is that a checkout of the current ompi tree
seems to be about 37 MB, while .git directory of my repository, which
has the entire history of all branches of the svn repository plus
1.6MB of svn metadata is 36 MB.  And git can do fun stuff like

   git diff v1.1..v1.2

in half a second (it generates a 274858 line diff).  It can generate
the full 116320 line (11164 commit) log of the trunk in .3 seconds.

Jeff, if you want to see the repository, it is in


Feel free to make it available however you want (it's your data of course).

- R.
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Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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