After having to explain to someone at SC for the umpteenth time this week that 
the "vader" BTL uses the XPMEM transport under the covers, I'd like to put 
forth an appeal to rename the "vader" BTL to be "xpmem."

Here's my rationale for why:

1. Although we have a history of Star Wars-related names, the "ob1" and "r2" 
components got their names because they're mainly algorithms that have no 
obvious name that describes what they do.

2. All other components that tie into some back-end system are named reflecting 
the back-end system (e.g., tcp, mx, portals, ...etc.).  "openib" is the weakest 
example, but we all know that it was named way back when OFED was named 
"OpenIB", and the name has kinda stuck.

3. The BTL name "xpmem" follows the law of least astonishment from the user's 

4. Cute names rarely seem so after 6 months.

I'll even volunteer to do the work to rename it (a bunch of file moves and 
global search-and-replaces).

Jeff Squyres
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