> On Jun 20, 2012, at 4:25 PM, Shamis, Pavel wrote:
>> I hate it ...
>> As far as I understand it is not reason to rename it. The OFED-lovin 
>> components should look at $with_openib.
> Ah, sorry -- I didn't think this would be controversial.

It is not controversial. The "hate" was only the option on the list :)

> Just curious: why do you hate it?  OpenIB is a name that hasn't existed in 
> years -- we already have to 'splain it.  
> Why not use a name that is commonly recognizable, like --with-ofed, or 
> --with-of?

OpenIB BTL is the primary source cause for existence of the OOB UD component. 
So, it is very natural, that in order to enable OPENIB BTL (with all he 
supportive components, like oob)  user uses --with-openib-*  . Logically it 
sounds very reasonable.

OFUD - with all the respect, this components is a leftover of the DR PML, which 
was removed from the trunk. I'm not sure why we keep OFUD in the trunk.

I remember that some people are expressed interested in reincarnation of the  
OFUD BTL.Well,  when the new OFUD (or whatever) will be ready, we may discuss 
the naming issue again. 

Bottom line, on this stage the renaming seems totally confusing. 


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