On Jun 21, 2012, at 9:16 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

> 2. Have consistent behavior between the configury of all OFED-lovin' 
> components (currently the 4 I listed), per your description:
>   * --with-openfabrics[=DIR] means that all OFED-lovin' components must 
> configure successfully, or fail
>   * --without-openfabrics means that all OFED-lovin' component must not build

I'm sorry -- that's not quite correct.

hwloc will build regardless of whether you specify --with-openfabrics or not 
(because it doesn't *need* OpenFabrics support).  

But the other 3 OpenFabrics-based components (ofud, ud, openib) must all 
succeed if --with-openfabrics is specified, and will not be built if 
--without-openfabrics is specified.  Because all of these components *need* 
OpenFabrics support -- they cannot build without OF support.

Jeff Squyres
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