On Jul 16, 2013, at 6:04 PM, George Bosilca <bosi...@icl.utk.edu> wrote:

> I would like to question the choice for the new … spartan ompi_info output?

I won't debate the logic - I'll leave that to Jeff and Nathan

> I would not mind restoring the default behavior, aka. have a verbose "--all", 
> instead of some [random] MCA params.

I believe you need to add -level 9 to your ompi_info cmd and you should see 

> Btw, something is wrong i the following output. I have an "btl = sm,self" in 
> my .openmpi/mca-params.conf so I should not even see the BTL TCP parameters.

Param registration is now separate from "open", so all components register 
their variables even if they will be later ignored.

> Thanks,
>  George.
> $ompi_info --param all all
>                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_if_include" (current value: "",
>                          data source: default, level: 1 user/basic, type:
>                          string)
>                          Comma-delimited list of devices and/or CIDR
>                          notation of networks to use for MPI communication
>                          (e.g., "eth0,").  Mutually exclusive
>                          with btl_tcp_if_exclude.
>                 MCA btl: parameter "btl_tcp_if_exclude" (current value:
>                          ",sppp", data source: default, level: 1
>                          user/basic, type: string)
>                          Comma-delimited list of devices and/or CIDR
>                          notation of networks to NOT use for MPI
>                          communication -- all devices not matching these
>                          specifications will be used (e.g.,
>                          "eth0,").  If set to a non-default
>                          value, it is mutually exclusive with
>                          btl_tcp_if_include.
>                 MCA pml: performance "pml_ob1_unexpected_msgq_length" (type:
>                          unsigned, class: size)
>                          Number of unexpected messages received by each peer
>                          in a communicator
>                 MCA pml: performance "pml_ob1_posted_recvq_length" (type:
>                          unsigned, class: size)
>                          Number of unmatched receives posted for each peer
>                          in a communicator
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