On Jul 18, 2013, at 7:05 AM, David Goodell (dgoodell) <dgood...@cisco.com> 

> On Jul 18, 2013, at 8:06 AM, Ralph Castain <r...@open-mpi.org> wrote:
>> That's a good point, and a bad behavior. IIRC, it results from the MPI 
>> Forum's adoption of the MPI-T requirement that stipulates we must allow 
>> access to all control and performance variables at startup so they can be 
>> externally seen/manipulated.
> Minor nit: MPI_T does not require this.  However, it does recommend that you 
> offer users access to as many variables as possible as early as reasonably 
> possible for the convenience and control of the user.
> If an implementation chooses to offer 5% of the possible control/performance 
> variables to the user just before MPI_Finalize, that's still a valid MPI_T 
> implementation.  But it may not be a very useful one...

The problem here is one of use vs startup performance. George is quite correct 
with his concerns - this behavior would have been a serious problem for 
RoadRunner, for example, where we had a small IO channel feeding a lot of 
nodes. It will definitely become an issue at exascale where IO bandwidth and 
memory will be at a premium.

This is especially troubling when you consider how few people will ever use 
this capability. Perhaps we should offer a switch that says "I want access to 
MPI-T" so that the rest of the world isn't hammered by this kind of behavior?

> -Dave
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