6.11.2013 22:33, Roberto Colistete Jr.:
>     And Mer/Nemo Mobile/Sailfish don't use .deb, but .rpm packages.
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> SailfishOS.org Devel mailing list
Yep, and as anyone can easily try, zypper on Nemo is blazing fast.

And regarding repository size, you install something with yum on Fedora
(which has a bazillion of packages the repository) - it is realy fast.
And it should be even faster once the libsolv based DNF[1] replaces yum as a default.

Fedora also uses DeltaRPM/Presto[2] for updates, so only the differences
are transferred when package is updated, drastically cutting down the amount
of transferred data.
BTW, this alone could be a nice addition due to the limited amount of
Internet connectivity often available on mobile devices.

Also one thing that I think has not yet been mentioned:
* security vulnerabilities in bundled libraries

If a vulnerability in a library is found:
* on a system with proper package management, you update the library and all
  applications using it are automatically immune
* on a system where applications need to bundle libraries, all applications
bundling the given library are vulnerable until their authors manually update them (and there is also no 100% sure way to check what libraries are being bundled
  and therefore which applications are vulnerable)

[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/DNF
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Presto
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