On 07-Nov-13 12:06, Marcin M. wrote:
Well, the whole problem with repos and deps is not about the user side
but the server side ;) Maemo.org doesn't expose DiffIndex like Debian
does but normal Packages and Release (maybe compressed). DiffIndex would
greatly reduce download time.

It's like the zypper story. It's a great and fast solution to a problem that (in that particular context) should not exist in the first place (why do you need to pool for/get *any* kind of (Diff)Index or Packages? The store *knows* what do you have based on your request, and upon an app being published *knows* who should be notified to upgrade).

About the storing list of apps on-device... Hmm... In my debian repo,
it's ~1 KB per package. Let's assume 1 million apps. It's 1 GB. Much too

Will come out as more than that if you add the extra metadata (icon, translations...). Then also factor in multiple versions of the app (for different firmware versions, dependent apps/libs etc). Numbers grow pretty big pretty quick.

much. But if only installed apps were added as a repo? Let's assume a

The only problem that I see that would mitigate (but not solve) is the update-check data traffic (which is the smallest problem). Dependency resolution, search, update notifications, etc would still have to be done somehow.

Best regards,
Attila Csipa

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