thank you for all the interest in the Harbour. First of all a big apology for 
for the problems that we are having here at Harbour - we faced some unexpected 
issues due to a small storm that passed by and are working hard to resolve them.

We will keep you posted when you can dock again to our Harbour and start 
submitting your apps.

Thank you for your patience! 

The Jolla Store Team

On 06 Nov 2013, at 13:06, Karl Granström <karl.granst...@jolla.com> wrote:

> Ahoy all,
> Today we're launching Jolla Harbour <harbour.jolla.com>, the portal for 
> submitting applications to the Jolla Store.
> You can submit and manage your applications. Consumers will be able to 
> install them directly from their Jolla phones.
> Here are some details about Jolla Harbour:
> Joining and logging into Jolla Harbour:
> Joining is free! You can create a Jolla account from the Jolla Harbour 
> landing page (harbour.jolla.com) or if you have pre-ordered your Jolla phone, 
> you have everything you need to get started. To manage your account details, 
> please visit account.jolla.com. 
> Support for Sailfish and Android™ applications:
> You can submit both Sailfish and Android™ applications to Jolla Harbour. The 
> submission process is the same.
> Start with free applications:
> At launch, the Jolla Harbour and Jolla Store will support only free 
> applications. We are working hard to enable payment solutions and we will 
> keep you posted about these capabilities as they develop. 
> Binary package naming:
> You will receive naming guidelines when you upload the binary package to 
> Jolla Harbour. You can also find guidelines on versioning at 
> http://semver.org.
> Preparing your metadata:
> Jolla Harbour needs to know a few things about your app:
> - An app icon for the Store  (86x86px, png) (Current SDK supports 90x90px 
> images; more details to follow soon)
> - 1-3 screenshots (540x960px, png or jpg) 
> - An optional Cover image for your Store page (516x252px, png or jpg)
> Submission process:
> To submit your application to Jolla Harbour, fill in the metadata for it and 
> upload the binary and required images. After you have submitted your app, 
> Jolla will start Quality Assurance testing.
> Quality Assurance testing:
> Jolla will perform QA testing on your applications on real Jolla devices. We 
> will get back to you with feedback on your app within a few days. You will be 
> notified on the QA results via the email address you have registered to your 
> Jolla account. 
> If you encounter any issues, please contact us by email, 
> developer-c...@jolla.com, or report them to the Sailfish developers mailing 
> list at devel at lists.sailfishos.org.
> Happy hacking!
> The Jolla Store Team
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