tw_bolek <tw_bolek@...> writes:

> >  <at> Bolek, have you got it working?
> Yes, it does work this way. Thank you *VERY MUCH* Chris for your help!   
For my needs now it's even better than
> previously as on Harmattan I then had to use Qt.createQmlObject for what I 
needed to get.
> Thanks a lot!
> BTW. Do you perhaps now the URL of the site where one can register to get 
the API key to use Nokia Maps plugin?  If
> I try to use it without any key it says to go to but that URL just
> redirects to the main Nokia Developer page.  I can't find the right place 
to register...   
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I also wanted to use a Map in my application, and I am still struggling.
I already figured out that:
- We have to install QtLocation/QtPositioning in the SDK
- We have to manually install them in the emulator (I just found out about 
pkcon and zypper)
- We need to use QtPositioning.coordinate instead of Coordinate.

But now, if I try to display the simplest Map, I just get a blank screen. I 
have a message telling me that there is an error with the Plugin I use (does 
not support something - sorry I don't have the precise error message here)

I am sure it's something simple (some entry missing in the .pro?) but I 
could not find what yesterday, and I don't have so much time to search (It 
was really cool with Harmattan to have an example out of the box that we 
could just copy/paste and start customizing).

Would it be possible to have a simple example in the doc explaining all the 
required steps?
Or do you see what I am missing? For the plugin, I just put the same than 
for Harmattan:
plugin : Plugin {
                        name : "nokia";
                        parameters: [
                            PluginParameter { name: "app_id"; value: "APPID" 
                            PluginParameter { name: "token"; value: "TOKEN" 

Thanks for your help!

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