
>> I try to use it without any key it says to go to
> https://api.developer.nokia.com but that URL just
>> redirects to the main Nokia Developer page.  I can't find the right place
> to register...

Sign in here: https://developer.here.com/myapps

You need to have a Nokia developer account. If you don't have one,
click on the "register" button on the sign in dialog.
Once you have a Nokia account, click "Create app" and follow the
instructions in the wizard.

> - We have to install QtLocation/QtPositioning in the SDK
> - We have to manually install them in the emulator (I just found out about
> pkcon and zypper)

To my knowledge you don't need to do any manual installation, just
configure yaml-file correctly, and use the option "Deploy as rpm
package" when running your app in the emulator:

PkgBR: [qt5-qtlocation-devel, qt5-qtdeclarative-import-location,
qt5-qtpositioning-devel, qt5-qtdeclarative-import-positioning]

  - qt5-plugin-geoservices-nokia
  - qt5-qtdeclarative-import-location
  - qt5-qtdeclarative-import-positioning

More instructions in this very useful blog post I found:

> But now, if I try to display the simplest Map, I just get a blank screen. I
> have a message telling me that there is an error with the Plugin I use (does
> not support something - sorry I don't have the precise error message here)

Are you sure you have provided valid app_id and token parameters to
the plugin? Map plugin might give misleading error messages if you
supply invalid ones. See:
This was the case with my app. I was getting this: "QML MapComponent:
Error: Plugin does not support mapping."
With correct parameters the error message disappeared.

> Or do you see what I am missing? For the plugin, I just put the same than
> for Harmattan:
> plugin : Plugin {
>                         name : "nokia";
>                         parameters: [
>                             PluginParameter { name: "app_id"; value: "APPID"
> },
>                             PluginParameter { name: "token"; value: "TOKEN"
> }
>                        ]
>                     }

Looks correct to me, just make sure you provide valid values for the parameters.

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