I remember the N9 had an issue of interference between the Bluetooth and
WiFi radios; the headset would stutter when connecting to or disconnecting
from an access point. I worked around it by disabling WiFi while using the
headset. Maybe this is a similar issue?
On Feb 2, 2016 8:16 AM, <jollail...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here are the promised logs:
> pastebin.com/Dy4bL9rr
> I wasnt able to reproduce the weird stuff, but that's a start. Some errors
> here and there about the Bluetooth.
> I'll send you more tomorrow if I have some luck with catching it on a
> journal log.
> Here's a related XKCD strip: xkcd.com/583
> Cheers,
> jollailija
> --
> Lähetetty Jollastani
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