ju...@swagman.org kirjoitti ke helmikuuta 3 06:25:24 2016
> Heh, that's simple; just forget WLAN and use only 3G/4G with bluetooth... ;)
> Actually that is what I do, I only use BT headsets when I am out from home on 
> a hike or bicycling. That might be the reason I never have encountered these 
> problems; even though my WLAN is always on it is not connected when I listen 
> to radio.
Lucky you, not all of us can afford such 4G luxury :( 

If only Jolla Store supported paid apps, then I could just maybe afford a 
couple of months of 4G ;) (with the current donations I can't afford half a 

A poor student
Lähetetty Jollastani
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