On 08/08/2017 09:01 AM, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
Strictly speaking you can't do that.  It's the PM's decision whether
we want to drop the feature or change the schedule.  We're pretty informal
here, but you need to know where those lines of authority are, because
many other projects (especially in corporate-land) aren't.

Ah, I misunderstood the structure. Also forgot that there is something called a PM and it exists for a reason....

I am Officially Suggesting that SNMP support be allowed to slip 1.0 unless I can make major progress in the next couple weeks.

But, speaking in Mark's absence, I'm OK with slipping it.  It's not
like Classic had this right; their snmpd was broken by design (not
RFC-conformant) and in fact its author urged me to remove it.

NTPc having broken SNMP support was a major factor in my willingness to slip for rightness, I wasn't aware that it was so bad the maintainer urged you to remove it.

I think our support can wait for 1.1.  Possibly Mark might do an
override on this, but I doubt it.

Is there any idea on how long that would be after 1.0? I'm not saying anything about "plenty of time", already eating my "plenty of time till 1.0" statement.

In the end; what separates a Man, from a Slave? Money? Power?
No. A Man Chooses, a Slave Obeys. -- Andrew Ryan

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