Hi *,

I am working on the pm (power management) module of RIOT. Can anyone
tell me why pm_reboot is (often) part of this module?

If no one votes against it, I woud like to move *pm_reboot()* to a
dedicated module, in order to have a reboot_fallback module as we have
planned for pm_fallback and additionally common CPUs can implement
specific reboot functions if required.

Is 'reboot' a good module name? Or should we name it pm_reboot_fallback
(prefix it with pm)?

Background: atmega_common defines a pm_reboot, but no power management
by default. Therefore using pm_fallback is not possible and we would
have to duplicate existing code (bad idea!).


Robert Hartung, M.Sc.

Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Betriebssysteme und Rechnerverbund
Mühlenpfordtstr. 23, Raum 115
38106 Braunschweig

Fon: +49 (531) 391 - 3264
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E-Mail: hart...@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
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