Looks like it's not that easy. Many platforms define pm_reboot in the
board's file(s).
Additionally pm_layered does not define pm_reboot, the same applies for
pm_off (pm_off can be modeled as pm_set_lowest(); irq_disable();
while(1) in pm_layered I guess ?).

Therefore I will work on removing pm_reboot() from pm_fallback
implementation and create additional modules if needed (at some points
pm_reboot is defined outside of pm anyway).

- Robert

On 08.09.2017 11:03, Robert Hartung wrote:
> After a short discussion offline we decided to keep it as it is. As the
> nucleo board for example, supports saving reigsters across the reset.
> Therefor when entering low power modes or making a reboot, it might be
> required to perform some more stuff.
> The pm_* functions will now all be combined in a single module to make
> it easier to develop PM for other cpus.
> - Robert
> On 08.09.2017 10:20, Robert Hartung wrote:
>> Hi *,
>> I am working on the pm (power management) module of RIOT. Can anyone
>> tell me why pm_reboot is (often) part of this module?
>> If no one votes against it, I woud like to move *pm_reboot()* to a
>> dedicated module, in order to have a reboot_fallback module as we have
>> planned for pm_fallback and additionally common CPUs can implement
>> specific reboot functions if required.
>> Is 'reboot' a good module name? Or should we name it pm_reboot_fallback
>> (prefix it with pm)?
>> Background: atmega_common defines a pm_reboot, but no power management
>> by default. Therefore using pm_fallback is not possible and we would
>> have to duplicate existing code (bad idea!).
>> Best,
>> Robert

Robert Hartung, M.Sc.

Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Betriebssysteme und Rechnerverbund
Mühlenpfordtstr. 23, Raum 115
38106 Braunschweig

Fon: +49 (531) 391 - 3264
Fax: +49 (531) 391 - 5936
E-Mail: hart...@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
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