Cheshire Cat Fish wrote:

Mesa support/conformance is a requirement. The resulting SMI drivers would remain open source, and part of the Xfree/DRI/Linux distribution. That is the plan at least.

That's good news. :)

There are way too many variables to be able to accurately answer that question (see my answer to your first question). :)

But it sounds like at best I can only re-use the very lowest level of drawing code (the part that talks to the hardware_ from the Windows 2000 driver. Everything above that will be different.

That's a fair assessment.

This is starting to sound like a couple of months work.

At least. I don't know how much time per week you're planning to put into this, but, working "full time," it would probably take a month or so for someone familiar with DRI internals to get something working using existing driver code & good documentation. To get it working *well* would require more time.

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