On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 10:17:30AM -0800, Kendall Bennett wrote:

>What is the latest status on Cygwin/XFree86? I want to start working on a 
>port of X to Windows, and figured I would start with Cygwin/X to see how 
>that works. I really want to build this with Open Watcom, not GCC, but I 
>don't know what the latest status is. Does the 4.3.0 tree build cleanly 
>for Cygwin, or do you need to apply some patches to make this work? I was 
>not able to figure out where those patches live from the Cygwin/X web 

We have binaries for Cygwin on our ftp site for the second 4.4.0 release
candidate.  We will continue to provide XFree86 on Windows, although
whether it will continue to be done with a Cygwin-based solution is an
open issue.

>Finally have you considered building Cygwin/X with the new SFU 3.5 tools 
>fom Microsoft? It includes native ports of GCC to Windows, which may be 
>better than Cygwin performance wise. I don't know however if the SFU SDK 
>will allow you access to Windows services or only Unix ones.

Sounds like a great idea.  A native Windows build/port would be ideal,

>Also I don't recall if I offered to host the Cygwin port in our Perforce 
>server. We already have a public 4.3.0 tree that has been patched with 
>our SciTech SNAP driver code in it (for Linux), and I am in discussions 
>with some of the other members of the community about starting a new 
>project to take over where the XFree86 team appears to be stuck. If you 
>are interested let me know.

The more the merrier.

David Dawes                                     X-Oz Technologies
www.XFree86.org/~dawes                          www.x-oz.com
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