
Thanks for answering.

1)Booting only on the LCD does not work. The XFree output is here:


Note that X11 does not find anymore the "Built-in" mode 1024x768, that
it finds when the CRT is attached and I turn off the LCD before starting
X11. Why turning the LCD on prevents X11 from finding the "Built-in"
mode 1024x768? Isnīt the mode "Built-in"?

2)If I boot with both devices attached to the notebook and turned on,
1024x768 does not work in any of them. The output is here:


3)If I boot with both devices attached to notebook, but with the LCD
off, X11 finds the "Built-in" mode 1024x768 and the CRT starts in
1024x768. If I try to turn the LCD on, the screen gets messed up, and I
have to restart X in order to see something. When I restart, both the
CRT and LCD turn to 800x600.

I was told months ago that the "Built-in" modes are read from the VBIOS,
but this does not seem to be the whole true, since the attached display
device interferes in the detection.

BTW, the LCD works in 1024x768 in WinXP.

Thanks a lot for your attention,



Alan Hourihane wrote:

If you boot up on the LCD and have the "1024x768" mode as your only
listed mode, also check that VertRefresh is set to 60.

Does that work ? If not, post the log file.

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