sdimitro commented on this pull request.

> +      * There should not be anything wrong with having kstats for
+        * snapshots. Since we are not sure how useful they would be
+        * though nor how much their memory overhead would matter in
+        * a filesystem with many snapshots, we skip them for now.
+        */
+       if (zfsvfs->z_issnap)
+               return;
+       /*
+        * We are limited by KSTAT_STRLEN for the kstat's name here
+        * which is a lot less that the string length of a dataset's
+        * path. Thus, we distinguish handles by their objset IDs
+        * prepended by the pool's load_guid. Note that both numbers
+        * are formatted in hex. See breakdown in comment below.
+        *
+        * We use the pool's load_guid because it is guaranteed to

Thank you for looking at the review @Ramzec.

Yes. The pool-guid can change without re-import (e.g. we do a `zpool reguid 
Thus, if we were using the pool-guild as part of the kstat name, if the pool's 
guid changed, all these kstats would be left off with the old guid.

Those kstats are created when a dataset is mounted and destroyed when the 
dataset is unmounted. So it makes more sense to use the pool's load_guid as 
this would keep things consistent.

Given the above, recreating all these structures every time the guid changes 
would be very complicated and unnecessary. Does this make sense?

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