On Tuesday, May 26, 2015 01:33:59 PM Viironen Kalle wrote:
> Hi,
> We’d like to create a new Qt module for serial buses. At first stage this
> generic extendable module would include support for CAN-bus, but
> architecture should be such that supporting also other generally used
> serial buses like Flexray, i2c, SPI, 1-wire etc. would be as easy as
> possible.
> Motivation for this kind of generic bus module is to allow easy to use
> direct Qt access to buses that are commonly used when developing embedded
> and/or industrial applications with Qt. Also it would be great to see
> companies working with these buses to adopt the generalised core approach
> that we shall be bringing with this bus module and start developing support
> for different buses directly on top of Qt framework.
> For naming we have thought either QtBus or QtSerialBus. IMO name as such
> should already on it’s own describe the generalised idea of the module.
> Attached pdf describes the high level plan of the new module.
> All comments and feedback is warmly welcome :)

My first suggestion is to give the module a better name. "Bus" is an 
overloaded term with many meanings and it is IMO too close to our "DBus" 
module. Why not go with what your first sentence in the email used:

    "We’d like to create a new Qt module for serial buses"

Call it the Qt module for accessing serial buses, QtSerialBus :)

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