On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 08:52:52AM +0200, Simon Hausmann wrote:
> We also do have at this point a duplication of repository dependencies
> in qt.pro as well as in the repository sync.profile. I do believe that
> we can eliminate this dependency without any downside, based on your
> idea of placing a .pri file into the top-level directory of each
> repository.
that's actually your idea. ;)
my idea was parsing the qt.pro file as it exists today.

> 2) If you are not part of a Qt release yet but you would still like to
> use the continuous integration system, then your code has to build and
> work against the dev branch of the modules coming from depending
> repositories.
this is quite unreasonable.

in fact, our official recommendation is that people should develop
against the latest stable branch. at least according to thiago - see
also his insistence on making stable the default branch in git.

some addons try to stay compatible with older qt releases. for this to
really work, they should have two branch configs: the earliest release
they are supposed to support, and dev.

another thing that speaks for qt5.git as the integration point: up to
now, we actually build every module as part of a top-level build, even
if we do it only selectively. does the new CI change this approach?

so far, it seems that qt5.git is the right place, because it needs to be
authoritative for some branches *anyway*. the easiest approach seems to
be generalizing the concept and making branching qt5.git easy. up to the
point where people don't re-use old feature branches because setting up
CI for new ones is such a friggin' PITA, fwiw.

with that in mind, please give this another thought:

> On Friday, June 12, 2015 09:47:44 AM Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:
> > it all boils down to the fact that aggregation must happen top-down.
> > we could unify the implementation somewhat by adding more custom fields
> > to .gitmodules instead of duplicating some of the information in qt.pro.
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