On 27/09/2017 21:18, J-P Nurmi wrote:
On 27 Sep 2017, at 21:08, Jean-Michaël Celerier
<jeanmichael.celer...@gmail.com> wrote:

Why not just Drag, Tap, Pinch ? (for Drag it'd have to be in a
different namespace than the actual QtQuick.Drag though)


+1 for such Qt Quick style short and concise naming. :) This proposal
was previously shot down because of the conflict with Drag, though.

-1. Declaring a Drag or Tap in your QML doesn't make sense, as the drag and tap are ephemeral, while the QML structure is not.

What we're talking about here is a GestureRecognizer with an onTapped handler.

If we can't have a generic GestureRecognizer type with dynamic recognizer behavior based on which handler callback is bound, then it should be TapGestureRecognizer, DragGestureRecognizer, etc.

tor arne
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